Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates
Both of the credit union branches are now open. The Lindsey branch is open its normal hours while the Student Union location is open from 9:00-4:00pm with a 45 minute break for lunches. ATMs are available 24 hours a day. If you are experiencing a fever, dry cough, shortness of breath, or other respiratory symptoms, we kindly ask that you conduct business remotely to limit exposure of our employees and other members.
All services are available through our drive-thru or over the phone. To limit the number of people in our branches, members can schedule individual appointments with staff or utilize Zoom or FaceTime. To make an appointment, please email with your name and a day and time proposed. You will receive a confirmation of your appointment as well as the individual you are meeting with.
Information for Our Members & Communities
The well-being of our members, employees, and the communities we serve is paramount to OU Federal Credit Union. With the recent developments regarding COVID-19 (novel coronavirus), we would like to share the steps we are taking as an organization to safely ensure continued operations.
What We are Doing:
Payment Deferrals – We are facilitating loan payment deferrals for members who are impacted by this situation. Please call 405-325-2211 if you would like to request a payment deferral. We may require documentation of the hardship to facilitate your request.
Things You Can Do
OU Federal Credit Union is a progressive, member owned and controlled financial organization dedicated to providing comprehensive, low-cost, high quality financial services that are personalized for the membership.